Everton Park  07 3355 1422
Mitchelton  07 3354 3341

Everton Park (538 South Pine Road) 07 3355 1422  |  Mitchelton (Suite 1/17 Blackwood Street) 07 3354 3341

On January 1st 2014, the Child Dental Benefit Schedule (CDBS) was launched by Medicare to help the oral health of children in Australia. It provides $1,052 of free dental treatment for eligible children at private dental practices every 2 calender years. After the 2 year period the amount resets and another $1,052 is available.

At Swish Dental, we have seen a lot of children benefit from the scheme as necessary dental services such as dental check ups, dental cleaning, preventative dental advice, dental sealants have had a meaningful impact. It is a great initiative from the government to help kids get preventative dental treatments and catch dental problems early before irreversible damage to the teeth causes tooth loss.

Are your children eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule?

Call Swish Dental now with your medicare card number and a member of our team will let you know if your child is eligible. It normally takes a few minutes for us to check.

What do I do if I have not used my limits up?

We strongly recommend booking in to have a check up otherwise when the dental scheme ends, all of the benefits will be lost.

When will the Child Dental Benefits Schedule end?

The government has tried to close it a few time. At present the CDBS scheme will run into 2017 but be wary as it can be closed down at any point.

Explaining the Child Dental Benefits Scheme

Eligible children get $1,052 over a 2 year period to spend on eligible dental services. They must be between 2-17 years old and families must be receiving Family Tax Benefit A. Children can come in every 6 months for routine check ups and cleans. If they need any dental treatment our dentists will advise you and it should all be covered under the scheme. There is NO cost to you as we bulk bill any treatment done by our dentists under the CDBS scheme on the day.

We hope you find this information useful. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

To find out if your child is eligible contact Swish Dental with your medicare card number